2024-25 Dance Class Tuition Rates & Policies | Easy Monthly Installments

2024-25 Dance Class Tuition Rates & Policies | Easy Monthly Installments

2024-25 Tuition Pricing & Policies
Each weekly class is allotted an equal number of instructional weeks, independent of scheduled holidays and breaks.

Class weeks will vary between 3-5 weeks each month. This has already been taken in consideration, and will not affect the tuition installment rate. We do not charge less, or more each month. Tuition is based on the total year of instruction and divided equally into monthly installments for ease of payments. June is the only month that is prorated for the year.

Registration Fee: $50 for first student, $35 for 2nd Student, $10 for 3rd student

*Tuition Rates per student based on total hours student is in class per week. Tuition is not based on number of classes in the month, but is equally divided into equal monthly installments for ease of payments.

30 min class per week……………………$76.00 mo.   
45 min total per week (one class) $86.00 mo.
60 min total per week (one class)…$96 mo.
1 hr 15 min- 1 hr 45 min per week…..$142mo
2 hr-2 hr 15 min per week…..$152mo
2 hr 30 min -2 hr 45 min per week…..$162mo
3 hr-3 hr 15 min per week….$172mo
3 hr 30 min-3 hr 45 min per week…..$182mo
4 hr-4 hr 15 min per week…..$192mo
4 hr 30 min-4 hr 45 per week….$205mo
5 hr-5 hr 15 min per week…..$225mo.
5.25-5.75 per week…..$235 mo.
6.0-6.25 per week….$245mo.

6.5-6.75 per week….$255

7 hr-7.25 per week…$265


Drop in Class Rate

45 min-$25, 1 Hr- $25, 1.15min- 1.45 min – $36

Recital Performance Package Fee:

Package does NOT include recital tickets.

Recital package cost may be split into two equal payments.

Twinkle Star /Discover Dance package: $150 includes one costume/ tights, recital t-shirt, trophy/medal, recital participation fee for one student

All other dance classes– $175 – includes one costume/accessories, recital t-shirt, recital participation fee for one student.

*Each additional costume ($95) will be added for each additional class a student will participate in recital.

Competition TeamClass Tuition
Monthly Competition TEAM Class Fees- in addition to tuition hours- for students enrolled in competition.
$45 per month/per student (45 min) per choreography class $50 for each 60 min class
*Fee covers class tuition/choreography only. Fee does not include costumes, entry fees, any hotel stays, or travel expenses. Private practices are not covered with class fee.

When are TUITION payments due?
Payments are due the 1st of the tuition month.
The first payment will include the registration fee and the first month of class.
We accept credit card or check payments.
  Credit cards on file will be transacted on the 1st of each month.
Any fees paid are not refundable. Notification of dropping a class must be given two weeks before the first of the month. 

Tuition Payment after the 10th ****An additional fee of $25 will be posted to the students account if tuition is unpaid by the 10th of the month.

What are your make-up policies?
We understand that a student will miss a class, or two during the year. We allow a make-up class if a similar class is available, but it is not guaranteed. As the year end recital draws near, it is harder to provide a makeup class due to performance practice.
Please note: If excessive classes are missed, even for valid reasons, the teacher has the right to remove the student from parts of choreography, and possibly even remove the student from the recital performance dance. Two, or more absences in a one month period of class is considered excessive.

It is rare for us to cancel classes because of weather. We will follow most of the school closing announcements, but we will also email and post updates on facebook. If classes are canceled because of weather, we will ask you to make-up in another class if available. Classes will not be given a credit.

If classes are canceled due to staff being out of town, or staff illness, we will provide a make-up alternative, or credit your account if an alternate class is unavailable.

Mandated State or County Shutdown (Covid-19):
Classes will be made available on ZOOM until the studio is allowed to re-open. 

What if I need to withdraw from a class?
We would like to have the opportunity to discuss the situation so that we may offer a possible solution. Notification must be given prior to the next payment due. No money already credited to your account will be refunded.

Do you offer private lessons?
Private lesson packages
for 1-2 students are as follows (*Each teacher has their own availability and pricing, so the listed pricing may vary)
$45 for 1/2 hr
$85 for 60 min